Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Designer Fabric? Or Cake? Hmm...

So! It seems everything I do turns out fabric related!

I made the cake to match the new babies bedding for Meg's shower! It turned out pretty cute I think :)

I also found my pictures for a headband tutorial ( I know they're a dime a dozen right now, but I think you'll like how they came out!) that I'll be posting on the MSQC blog
This was part of Easter for my girls... They love 'em:) Success!
... and one of my spring to finishes!
You know I'm not getting quite as many of those done as I thought I would. Only 2 days left. Guess I better step on it! lol!


  1. wow, you are such a artist,,,,,,,what a lovely cake, and such great headbands, cant wait for the tut,,,,,sounds like something i need also,,,,,,

  2. That is so cute Hillary! Will you make me one for my birthday??? ha hahaha ha ha ha hmmm:) Love you!
